Anti-Abortion Laws and Their effects on Society

My Jewish Adventure
4 min readOct 26, 2019
A person holds up a blue sign at a rally that reads “Fuck you Abortion Ban”
Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

Abortion. A word that carries a lot of meaning. For some it means life, for others it means death. For some it means right. For others it means wrong. It all depends on perspective. But many don’t consider why they have that perspective. So right here, right now we are going to talk about this “uncomfortable” topic.

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”

Harlan Ellison

So what is Abortion? Abortion is the termination of a zygote/fetus before it is viable/capable to survive in the world. This can mean when it is no bigger than the width of a human hair. How is this done? Via medicine or Surgery. The genuine experience of women is that neither are exceptionally painful. Via medicine, it may take a couple of days, that many describe being similar to monthly periods. Via surgery, it takes 5 minutes –20 minutes depending on which type one may choose. It is also a minor surgery. Also please consult a licensed Doctor. Doctor, not nurse. Doctor. This is important, but we will get back to that.

SO… there are two sides to every story. in this one, it is the pro-life side and in the other, it is the pro-choice side. First, let us explore the pro-life side. This is a short article so all the points will be simplified and summerise, to ensure that this article is not to manipulate you. Pro-life is mainly fuelled by religious belief. Mainly Christianity but that is because a high percentage of the world is Christianity. Now before we get started, I want to tell you that the points given here are countered by pro-choice. So don’t stop reading here. So the pro-life argument is that:

all life is sacred,

-it is psychologically painful and stressful,

-adoption is a viable alternative to abortion,

-abortion should not be used as an alternative to contraception

-and conception due to rape should be fully preventable by modern medicine.

On the opposing side of the story is this

  • What do we consider life? According to the book “The Brain”, we are not like most animals. Most animals come with a more or less pre-programmed brain. We, however, develop our brains based on the environment around us. In addition to this in the first trimester, the fetus is dependant on the mother fully and had no chance for survival on its own, thus cannot be considered a separate entity.
  • Rarely, women choose to give up their child, thus adoption is not a viable alternative.
  • As stated before an abortion is a safe medical procedure
  • Contraception is not 100% safe thus it is not there to replace/take place of abortion or vice versa
  • In the case of rape, many women feel fear or judgement if they speak up, so the morning after pill rarely works
  • Most situations in life cause some kind of stress, and in the event of (let’s say) rape giving birth to and living with the child of a predator is going to cause more psychological damage than abortion ever could
  • Finally, pro-choice people don’t ban giving birth, they just provide the choice of receiving an abortion!

NOW, that that’s out of the way, Here is the thing most people don’t talk about. Its implication on society. See this is not just about the USA or UK or any other MEDC. This is also about the stigma in poorer countries (LEDCs). But, As a case study, let’s look at the US. At a constant until roughly the mid-90s, the US had a major rise in crime rates and nobody could explain it. However, I must suggest reading “Freakonomics” as it gives more in-depth analysis and explanation, but back to this, abortion was introduced in the 1970s in the US, in the 1990s crime rates dropped. How are the two connected? well, because of the fact that most at-risk individuals get abortions and the most at-risk kids, who are most likely to pursue crime when they meet their peek crime rate, between 20–30 years of age, are never born, thus eliminating the rising crime wave in America.

Now people across an overpopulated world are battling abortion and those people are usually two things: rich and white. This means that it doesn’t apply to them. If you are religiously inclined, it is your right to voice your opinion to oppose abortion, but please, don’t choose for someone you don’t even know. Everybody else, It is time to speak up and rise up!

Written By Daniel .S. Földes

